
X (Twitter) 调整了广告分成政策,只统计 Premium 订阅用户的参与度

X (Twitter) 最近调整了广告分成政策,改为只统计 X Premium 订阅用户的参与度,而不再依据广告点击次数。这次变更旨在打击内容农场 (内容农场指的是发布大量或搬运低质量内容吸引用户查看),分成指标包括但不限于查看时间、转发、评论、点赞、搜藏等。非付费用户的参与度将不再计入,创作者需吸引 X Premium 用户参与才能获得分成。平台还强调会打击通过 X Premium 进行作弊的行为,避免内容农场利用订阅用户刷数据。

X (Twitter) 公告如下:

Big news for creators! We ve made improvements to our revenue sharing program. Up to 25% of your Premium subscription now goes directly to creators. Our goal is to make it possible for anyone to earn a living on X.

Here’s how our platform helps you monetize your content:

  • Content quality, not ad impressions: Our algorithms evaluate viewer engagement by analyzing interactions such as replies, likes, bookmarks, and the time spent viewing your content. These factors directly contribute to your payout. Only genuine interactions from Premium users will be counted toward your earnings.
  • Higher signal engagements: Certain engagements are worth more than others. Engagements from users on higher premium tiers are also worth more.
  • Audience analysis: We also consider the characteristics of your audience, including who they follow and who follows them. This holistic approach can influence your monetization scores and payout welghts.
  • Spam prevention: If our system detects spam engagements – like posting unrelated content in replies to farm views – we will penalize you to maintain the integrity of the platform.


重磅消息!我们对创作者的收入分享计划进行了改进。现在,Premium 订阅的 25% 将直接分配给创作者。我们的目标是让每个人都能在 X 上谋生。以下是我们平台如何帮助您变现内容的方式:

  • 内容质量,而非广告展示:我们的算法通过分析互动(如回复、点赞、收藏和观看时间)来评估观众参与度。这些因素将直接影响您的收入。只有来自 Premium 用户的真实互动才会计入您的收益。
  • 更高价值的互动:某些互动的价值高于其他互动。来自更高级别 Premium 用户的互动也将更有价值。
  • 受众分析:我们还会考虑您受众的特征,包括他们关注的人和谁在关注他们。这种全面的方法可能会影响您的变现评分和收入权重。
  • 防止垃圾信息:如果我们的系统检测到垃圾互动,例如在回复中发布无关内容以获取观看次数,我们将对您进行惩罚,以维护平台的完整性。
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文章名称:《X (Twitter) 调整了广告分成政策,只统计 Premium 订阅用户的参与度》

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